Jason McCarthy: Democratizing Fitness and Creating Community, One Ruck at a Time

Can human movement be used to repair the damage technology has created? Jason McCarthy thinks it can do much more than that; it can be the glue that holds our communities together.

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Jason served as a Green Beret and is the founder and CEO of GoRuck. After running 1,000 events a year and managing 500 GORUCK Clubs all over the world, now he’s launched Sandlot Technology with the goal of democratizing and uniting fitness.

Jason first joined us on Choose the Hard way to talk about his path from the Special Forces to entrepreneurship. In this episode, he shares what he learned from hosting the inaugural GoRuck Games with the Sandlot JAX festival in Jacksonville, Florida, and more broadly how those lessons connect to community building and social health.

We talked about tactical patience, how an active lifestyle is the foundation for our future, and the power of bringing people together. To learn more about Jason, visit www.goruck.com and www.sandlot.fit.

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Choose the Hard Way is the podcast where guests share stories about how doing hard things build stronger, more resilient humans, learn more at www.choosethehardway.com.

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